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System of a Down - Violent Pornography
(uno dei pezzi follemente GENIALI dei SoaD)
"Violent Pornography" - Album: "Mezmerize" ( )
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody cries
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies,
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody cries.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a violent pornography!
Choking chicks and SODOMY!
The kinda shit you get on your TV!
It's a violent pornography!
Choking chicks and SODOMY!
The kinda shit you get on your TV!
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody sucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody fucks.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody dies.
Everybody, everybody, everybody livin' now.
Everybody, everybody, everybody cries.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you it's Nabisco,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a non-stop disco
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know,
Bet you didn't know.
It's a violent pornography!
Choking chicks and SODOMY!
The kinda shit you get on your TV!
It's a violent pornography!
Choking chicks and SODOMY!
The kinda shit thats on your TV!
It's a violent pornography!
Choking chicks and SODOMY!
The kinda shit thats on your TV!
It's on the TV.
It's on your TV.
Turn off your TV.
Can you say brainwashing?
It's a non-stop disco.Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 25-09-2010, 00:45.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
System of a Down - Radio/Video - (forse il brano più assolutamente fuori di testa di "Mezmerize" dei SoaD... BELLISSIMO)
La lie lie lie lie lie lie,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the radiooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the videooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the radiooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the videooooooo,
With Danny and Lisa,
They take me away from,
The strangest places...
Sweet Danny and Lisa,
They take me away from...AHHH.
They take me away from,
The strangest places...
Sweet Danny and Lisa,
They take me away from...AHHH.
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the radiooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the videooooooo,
With Danny and Lisa,
They take me away from,
The strangest places...
Sweet Danny and Lisa,
They take me away from...AHHH.
They take me away from,
The strangest places...
Sweet Danny and Lisa,
They take me away from...AHHH.
Hey man look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the RADIO!!!!!!!
Hey man look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the VIDEO!!!!!!!
With Danny and Lisa.
They take me away from,
The strangest places....
Sweet Danny and LisaAaAaAaAa.
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the radiooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the videooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the radiooooooo,
Hey man! Look at me rockin' out,
I'm on the videooooooo,
With Danny and LisaAlessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 25-09-2010, 00:44.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
System of a Down - Question! - (Album: "Mezmerize": )
Sweet berries ready for two
Ghosts are no different than you,
Ghosts are now waiting for you,
Are you...?
Sweet berries ready for two
Ghosts are no different than you,
Ghosts are now waiting for you,
Are you dreaming?
Dreaming denied,
Dreaming alright....
Do we, do we know
When we fly?
When we, when we go,
Do we die?
Sweet berries ready for two
Ghosts are no different than you,
Ghosts are now waiting for you,
Are you...?
Sweet berries ready for two
Ghosts are no different than you,
Ghosts are now waiting for you,
Are you dreaming?
Dreaming goodnight,
Dreaming alright...
Do we, do we know
When we fly?
When we, when we go,
Do we die?
Do we die...?
la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la
Do we, do we know
When we fly?
When we, when we go,
Do we die?
la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, laUltima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 25-09-2010, 00:43.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 25-09-2010, 00:45.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")