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Quando la chip music va oltre il videogioco o "va oltre" in tutti i sensi...
Originariamente inviato da AlextheLioNet Visualizza il messaggioVideo curioso relativo ad una dance chiptune realizzata recentemente su Atari ST con il software MaxYMizer, Atari ST/STE YM2149 chip tracker ( ):
Originariamente inviato da Nightwings Visualizza il messaggioAssomiglia molto al SID del C64...
Vero!Anche se il chip audio dell'ST è tecnicamente meno "avanzato" del SID, alcuni "musicisti" erano comunque riusciti a "ritoccare" un po' tramite "software tricks" il sound dell'YM2149 per renderlo relativamente somigliante a quello, per l'appunto del SID. La tecnica per far "SIDdeggiare" il chip YM2149 si chiamava proprio "SID-voice":
SID-Voice is a great sound trick on the ATARI, because of low CPU consuming and great sound effects. It sounds a bit like C64 so that's why musicians call it "SID-Voice". On a real ATARI, SID-Voice uses a CPU interrupts to produce a square tone, wich is mixed to the original YM2149 tone." ( )
In ogni modo e a proposito del vero SID (con tanti Auguri di Buon Natale a tutti):
Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 25-12-2012, 12:44.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
YM Digital (Atari ST Yamaha YM2149 chip music - HEX-Tracker / Octalyser - 6 canali - software mixing) - "Aleja Gwiazd / Alley of Stars" (cover of Zdzislawa Sosnicka / R. Lipko)
yerzmyey: "YM DIGITAL - "Aleja Gwiazd / Alley of Stars" - a cover of Zdzislawa Sosnicka / Romuald Lipko made by YERZMYEY/YM-DIGITAL on ATARI 520ST with YM chip.
This song requires 2Mb of RAM to work.
Also, it has 6 channels.
Frequency: 22 755 Hz
Made with:
- HEX-Tracker on Atari 520ST
- Octalyser on Atari 1040STe
Recorded from real hardware: Atari 520ST.
It's a cover of famous Polish pop-song from 80s - "Alley of Stars" by Romuald Lipko and Zdzislawa Sosnicka.
Also, it's a teaser of YM-DIGITAL oncoming new album - "WHITE MOUSE ATE A CAT".
Visit our site: "Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
SNES soundtrack on SEGA Genesis sound chip
Horus Curcino: "Could you imagine the SNES most famous game music playing on the Sega Genesis soundcard ? Yes we found a way to do this!
As a huge fan of MIDI and FM Chips, here we have some great game tunes playing on a dump (.SF2) of the Yamaha YM2612 chip. The sound produced here, actually the MIDI messages, is the EXACT way as the Sega Genesis would process and perform.
00:00 - *Sega logo fanfare*
00:03 - *Top Gear - Track 1*
01:42 - *Street Fighter 2 - Ken Stage*
02:36 - *Final Fantasy V - Gilgamesh Theme*
03:06 - *Super Mario World - Overworld*
03:46 - *F-Zero - Mute City*
04:12 - *Donkey Kong Country - Jungle Theme*
Bonus - 05:20 - *Star Fox - Corneria stage*"Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 18-03-2013, 01:01.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")