Quello dei "cute games" era un po' un genere trasversale che godeva di notevole popolarità.
Quali erano i vostri "cute games" preferiti in sala giochi?
Provo a buttare giù una ipoteticissima top ten:
1 - Bubble Bobble - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=bub...=detail&id=343
2 - Rainbow Islands - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=rai...detail&id=2169
3 - Liquid Kids - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=liq...detail&id=1391
4 - Puzzle Bobble - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=puz...etail&id=21224
5 - The New Zealand Story - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=the...detail&id=1760
6 - Rod-Land - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=rod...detail&id=2254
7 - Snow Bros - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=sno...detail&id=2482
8 - Wonder Boy III - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=won...detail&id=3183
9 - Marvel Land - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=mar...detail&id=1570
10 - Nightmare in the Dark - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=nig...detail&id=1775
Quali erano i vostri "cute games" preferiti in sala giochi?
Provo a buttare giù una ipoteticissima top ten:
1 - Bubble Bobble - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=bub...=detail&id=343
2 - Rainbow Islands - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=rai...detail&id=2169
3 - Liquid Kids - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=liq...detail&id=1391
4 - Puzzle Bobble - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=puz...etail&id=21224
5 - The New Zealand Story - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=the...detail&id=1760
6 - Rod-Land - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=rod...detail&id=2254
7 - Snow Bros - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=sno...detail&id=2482
8 - Wonder Boy III - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=won...detail&id=3183
9 - Marvel Land - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=mar...detail&id=1570
10 - Nightmare in the Dark - http://www.arcade-history.com/?n=nig...detail&id=1775