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Le colonne sonore migliori su Mega Drive

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    Thunder Force IV - colonna sonora di Toshiharu Yamanishi, Takeshi Yoshida e Tomomi Ootani - nuovo video caricato ieri (12 luglio) su YouTube con l'intera OST (1 h e 32 min. di eccellente chip music):

    00:01 / Lighting Strikes Again - Opening
    00:32 / Don't Go Off - Stage Select
    01:42 / Fighting Back - Stage 1-A
    07:16 / What!? - Stage 1-B
    07:53 / Evil Destroyer - Stage 1-Boss
    10:19 / Space Walk - Stage 2-A
    13:22 / Danger!! Danger!! - Stage 2-B
    13:50 / Attack Sharply - Stage 2-Boss
    14:52 / The Sky Line - Stage 3-A
    17:29 / Air Raid - Stage 3-B
    19:10 / Simmer Down - Stage 3-Boss
    20:43 / Sand Hell - Stage 4-A
    22:48 / Where!? - Stage 4-B
    23:35 / Strike Out - Stage 4-Boss
    24:48 / Battle Ship - Stage 5-A
    27:15 / Stranger - Stage 5-Boss
    28:30 / Neo Weapon - Docking (Thunder Sword)
    29:09 / Great Sea Power - Stage 6
    31:29 / The Breaker - Stage 6-Boss
    32:48 / Sea Of Flame - Stage 7
    34:57 / Rancor - Stage 7-Boss
    35:45 / Metal Squad - Stage 8
    40:29 / Phantom - Stage 8-Boss
    41:14 / Down Right Attack - Stage 9
    45:06 / Recalcitrance - Stage 9-Boss
    46:17 / The Danger Zone - Stage 10
    48:12 / War Like Requiem - Stage 10-Boss
    49:50 / Shooting Stars - Easy Mode Ending
    51:05 / Silvery Light Of The Moon - Normal Mode Ending
    53:16 / Light Of Silence - Hard Mode Ending
    56:04 / Love Dream - Maniac Mode Ending
    57:14 / Stand Up Against Myself - Staff Roll
    01:00:17 / Dead End - Game Over
    01:00:23 / Count Down - Continue
    01:01:15 / Tan Tan Ta Ta Ta Tan - Configuration
    01:02:07 / Because You're The Number One - Ranking 1st
    Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
    __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

    "The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")


      della serie: pensavo molto peggio..


        [VGM download] Dangerous Seed - colonna sonora di NAUN

        Link ad archivio RAR con i brani della soundtrack in formato mp3:


        NB : Read the description / Veuillez lire la description.

        Dangerous Seed
        by Namco, Mega Drive / Genesis, 1990.

        Awesomeness : many reviews say it's bad... I've really loved it personally !
        Trivia : sometimes it can be better NOT to upgrade your speed.

        Personal score : the 2nd game I stuck with on my new Mega EverDrive (the 1st being Verytex), another shoot 'em up only released in Japan.

        But this time it's a whole lot better because the soundtrack isn't the only really good thing about it... I cannot say I've hated any part of it, even if it's clearly not Thunder Force III or such. It gets real fast but it's never impossible to understand what's going on, which is always a good thing for a shoot 'em up.

        I've tried about 3-4 times and finished it in a weird and awesome way : last life before Game Over, you usually go back to previous stage when you die, but this time I was sent straight back to the final boss ! without any chance to win or lose items and such... I had to focus a lot but could beat it my own way !

        OST quality : excellent ! I've recorded everything myself, but excellent !
        Video excerpt : track 9-11 for Stage 3 !
        Contents : 44 tracks + 3 covers + 1 text file.

        If the download link doesn't work, please tell me in the comments.
        Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, merci de m'en informer par commentaire.

        Playlist :
        Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 27-07-2012, 09:51.
        Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
        __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

        "The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")


          sicuramente l'avrete già citata ma la colonna sonora di colums per me rimane la più ipnotica


            io aggiungerei anche il mitico street of rage 1, street fighters e golden axe con delle colonne sonore veramente incredibili e dove mi sono preso la briga di rimodernarle portandole a suonare al pianoforte e ai synth XD



                20 Excellent Genesis / Mega Drive Tracks - una buona selezione di MD musics

                XBladenoJutsu ( ): "I have been saying I would do this for about 2 years now. I know, I am crazy. My initial motivation to make this was to prove to people that like to bash the Genesis sound that it is capable of holding its own just fine. There is no point to bash an FM chip and compare it to the SNES' sampling chip. They are both very different and can't properly be compared because they do different things. One will be able to do things that the other can't, it's as simple as that.
                Anyway, this list is made up of the more underrated and lesser known tracks, which means no Sonic, Streets of Rage and any of those better known tracks are included.
                Yeah, this video is almost 50 minutes long, so here is a handy feature to skip through songs if you don't feel like listening to them fully.

                By the way, yeah, there is a 32X game in the list. I included it because it only uses the YM2612/SN76489 for sound, not the 32X's PWM, so I feel it counts.
                Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
                __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

                "The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")


                  da un oscurissimo picchiaduro russo:



                    la grafica sarà pure peggiorata rispetto alla versione PC Engine, ma il sonoro è migliorato....

                    Ultima modifica di Gedeone de Infortunis; 20-09-2012, 02:04.




                        dark e cattivissima: musica di Rob Lord e Jason Page



                          Sparkster - Stage 1-2 music - colonna sonora di Akira Yamaoka e Akiropito

                          Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
                          __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

                          "The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")


                            Castlevania: The New Generation (Bloodlines / Vampire Killer) - colonna sonora di Michiru Yamane

                            A Vision of Dark Secrets (Opening Theme)

                            Reincarnated Soul (Stage 1)

                            The Sinking Old Sanctuary (Stage 2)

                            The Discolored Wall (Stage 3)

                            Iron-Blue Intention (Stage 4)

                            The Prayer of a Tragic Queen (Stage 5)

                            Calling From Heaven (Stage 6)

                            The Six Servants of the Devil (Stage Boss Theme)

                            The Vampire's Stomach (Final Boss Theme)

                            Together Forever (Ending Theme)

                            Requiem for the Nameless Victims (Staff Roll)

                            Theme of Simon (Classic Tune 4)

                            Vampire Killer (Classic Tune 3)

                            Bloody Tears (Classic Tune 2)

                            Beginning (Classic Tune 1)

                            Mysterious Curse (Password)

                            Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
                            __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

                            "The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")


                              Socket - OST di Yasuyuki Hamada, Shigenori Masuko, Youko Suzuki e Fumito Tamayama

                              Time Castle

                              High Speed Area


                              Treasure Castle

                              Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 23-10-2012, 00:37.
                              Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
                              __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

                              "The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")




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