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Le colonne sonore migliori su Mega Drive
Contra: The Hard Corps / Contra: Hard Corps / Probotector - colonna sonora di AKI, Hiroshi Kobayashi e Michiru Yamane - link ad archivio RAR contenente l'intera OST in formato mp3:
OldSchoolBobby: "NB : Read the description
Contra : Hard Corps
by Konami, Mega Drive / Genesis, 1994.
Awesomeness : the more you play it the more you love it ! quite easy though when you've got each pattern
Trivia : original Japanese version allow for three hits instead of one
Personal score : I was a bit scared considering its reputation, but it is nowhere near as difficult as Alien Soldier by far. I happen to like playing every character, it's a rather rare thing to me.
OST quality : excellent !
Excerpt : tracks 17 "GTR Attack" !
Contents : 35 tracks + 6 covers + 2 flyers + 1 text file. "Ultima modifica di AlextheLioNet; 28-12-2012, 13:08.Alessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")
5 Favourites: Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Shinobi 3 - Idaten - di Hirofumi Murasaki, Morihiko Akiyama e Masayuki Nagao
Streets of Rage 3 - Fuze - di Yuzo Koshiro e Motohiro Kawashima
Sonic The Hedgehog - Labyrinth Zone - di Masato Nakamura
Combat Cars - Mountains - di John Carehag
ToeJam & Earl - ToeJam Jammin' - di John BakerAlessio "AlextheLioNet" Bianchi
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"The game will never be over. Because we're keeping the dream alive." (Freiheit, "Keeping the Dream Alive")