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Già... su SegaRetro riportano intanto questo ( http://segaretro.org/Ristar#Versions ):
The JP version of Ristar was not only released with a different title but with secret characters, among other things. One of the most well-known secrets was the intro: you can see a huge green star being—supposedly Ristar's father/mother just before Ristar is awakened by the plea of help from the populace. Actually, the green being is known as Oruto, who has a cluster of stars. She selected Ristar to fight Greedy. The ending was also different since you don't see Ristar running to his father's arms."
Per la verità, anche se non vi vosse stata alcuna differenza contenutistica tra EUR e JAP, avrei preso in ogni caso la versione giapponese per la cover, l'etichetta della cartuccia e il libretto, ma, visto il prezzo su eBay, ho preferito ripiegare sul Ristar europeo già acquistato a suo tempo
