È in arrivo una nuova versione (v1.1) del linguaggio di programmazione batariBasic per console Atari 2600 VCS.
Queste caratteristiche permetteranno la creazione di giochi straordinari:
•Six sprites (one exclusive, five multiplexed, will be increased to 10)
•All sprites have twice the vertical resolution as other bB kernels
•All sprites can be multicolored
•Asymmetric playfield, any resolution
•Multicolored playfield
•Playfield allows independent resolution control for each 8-pixel column
•Both missiles and ball available and may be any height
•Each sprite allows its REFPx and NUSIZx set independently
•Automatic flickering
Queste caratteristiche permetteranno la creazione di giochi straordinari:
•Six sprites (one exclusive, five multiplexed, will be increased to 10)
•All sprites have twice the vertical resolution as other bB kernels
•All sprites can be multicolored
•Asymmetric playfield, any resolution
•Multicolored playfield
•Playfield allows independent resolution control for each 8-pixel column
•Both missiles and ball available and may be any height
•Each sprite allows its REFPx and NUSIZx set independently
•Automatic flickering