Allo stadio attuale questa trasposizione del manic shooter per X68K basata su uno sprite engine implementato per valorizzare il DSP in dotazione a questi sistemi è ancora priva di scorrimento e musiche e non supporta hardware accelerati.
Di seguito i relativi dettagli tratti dal blog dello sviluppatore (LINK) ed alcuni gameplay video:
"Here’s the first beta release of Cho Ren Sha 68k for the Atari Falcon030.
Atari Falcon030 with 14 MB RAM (alternative: 4 MB RAM and at least 8 MB Fast-RAM. Please try to boot without accessories and auto folder programs and/or a lower desktop video mode if the program hangs on startup).
Jaguar Pad/Power Pad.
DSP assisted sprite engine.
Up to 65536 colours.
Gameplay recording and replay.
Highscore saving.
The first beta does not support accelerated machines.
Scrolling will be added later.
No in game music.

Should work with an accelerator which guarantees the synchronisation between CPU and DSP (Nemesis, Phantom, Skunk(?), …).
Use the arrow keys and the LEFT SHIFT and CONTROL keys if you don’t have a joystick attached.
Sample replay seems to have some problems within the menu.
Known issues so far:
Please use a 'non ST compatible' screen mode before starting the game to avoid a garbled display after exiting the game.
Needs an original TOS version (like TOS 4.02) due to the usage of the DSP interface.
Be careful with the 'in game settings' to prevent a game freeze.
Please note that there’s a special binary for the Hatari emulator (older versions) in case you’re having display problems."