Per incoraggiare le donazioni, inXile apre il crowfunding con un'offerta: coloro che sosterranno il progetto nelle prime 24 ore di campagna con almeno 20 dollari otterranno un gioco gratuito a scelta tra Wasteland 2 (Steam o GOG), The Witcher o The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (GOG).
I relativi codici per scaricare i giochi verranno inviati al termine della campagna dal momento che questa si sia conclusa con successo.
"inXile Entertainment is thrilled to announce that The Bard's Tale IV will be coming to Kickstarter on June 2nd, 2015. Beginning on the 30th anniversary of the original game, help us bring back the dungeon crawl and return to Skara Brae - the city that started it all.
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, and featuring 3D photogrammetry to recreate lush, detailed Scottish architecture and landscapes, The Bard's Tale IV will bring back maze-like dungeons with devious puzzles and riddles, and dynamic phase-based combat against a host of monsters, beasts and brigands.
Led by Brian Fargo, Interplay and inXile Entertainment founder and creator of The Bard's Tale, we have full access to everything from the classic games to draw upon. With the power of crowdfunding, and your involvement, we can finally deliver a true sequel to this beloved CRPG series." (LINK)