Specifiche tecniche:
CPU: 48MHz GS4510 single-core, enhanced 4502 8-bit processor, with 32-bit ZP indirect and 32-bit far-JSR/JMP/RTS operations, 28-bit address space, fast hypervisor traps, virtual memory, IO virtualisation (coming soon).
RAM: 128KB RAM visible to VIC-IV, 32KB colour RAM visible to VIC-IV, 128KB ROM/RAM. 128MB of (extended) DDR2 RAM being worked on to be made accessible.
Video Controller: VIC-IV advanced rasterised video controller, like the VIC-II and VIC-III no framebuffer. Native resolution 1920x1200 (192MHz pixel clock). Supports all documented VIC-II modes (hi-res, multi-colour mode, extended-background-colour mode, sprites) and VIC-III modes (bitplanes are in the process of adding). Independent horizontal and vertical hardware scaling allows text and graphics resolutions as high as 1920x1200 and as low as 60x38. Separate 256-colour palettes for sprites, bitplanes and character graphics, allowing upto 1,024 colours on screen without changing the palette in real-time. VGA output 12-bit (4,096 colours). The planned DVI/HDMI output will support 23-bit colour (8.3 million colours). Text mode extensions including proportional width characters, super-extended background colour mode, as well as the standard VIC-III extended attributes.
Sound: Dual soft-SIDs + dual 8-bit DACs.
Media: D81 disk images from SD card (native VFAT32 file system support coming soon). Real 3.5" floppy drive support pLanned. Standard loading speed without fast loader ~20KB second. Loading speed direct from SD card 300 - 3000KB/second (1200 - 12000 blocks per second), depending on SD card.
Outputs: Joystick ports 1 and 2 (9-Pin Atari Standard), VGA, 10/100mbit Ethernet,Mono Audio (Stereo soon), USB, Micro USB.
Operating System MEGA-OS all-in-one hypervisor and compat operating system, including integrated freezer and task switcher, VFAT32 file system driver and inter-process communications.
Form factor C65-like all-in-one. A laptop form is planned for a future release. Full-height 19" rack option extra.
Planned: HDMI, analog video, extension port, maybe external floppy. Inputs USB (supports PC keyboards and KeyRah II), Micro USB, Ethernet, Micro SD slot, and coming soon: 3D accelerometer, on-board microphone and thermometer.
Onestamente quello che avrei DAVVERO voluto vedere sarebbe stato un amiga con chipset RANGER nel 1987 su A500, in grado di dare del filo da torcere a quel mostro chiamato sharp x68000. Probabilmente, pero', sarebbe costato troppo, esattamente come l'x68000 sarebbe rimasto un prodotto d'elite qualora sharp avesse deciso di importarlo in europa ed america.