Di seguito il relativo Creator Speed Run e le features tratte da Dark Side Of Gaming (LINK):
"-20 levels with 1 secret level included!
-3 rush upgrades: Rush Coil/Marine/Jet
-7 more upgrades to find that either increase your health per item, reduce damage, give you a one-shot invulnerability to spikes, let you exit a level early or slowly recover health and more!
-Tons of alternating and branching paths per level giving you full freedom how to best tackle any one level!
-3 Bounty Hunters who pop in randomly throughout the 10 Robot Master stages, its up to you to finish them off right then and there or fear facing them once again in the final stages where they will be harder!
-Classic movements including: jumping, firing, sliding, mega buster charging, etc."
L'ho scaricato nel primissimo pomeriggio... ci ha messo una vita, ma alla fine l'ha portato in fondo
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