Seguono a ruota altrettanto inaspettatamente (ari-vabbeh!) Ken, Akuma, Chun-Li, Cammy e Sakura.
Di seguito la classifica completa:
Overall rankings: Character / Number of votes / Voting percentage
Ryu 18,740 5.90%
Ken 15,058 4.70%
Akuma 14,201 4.40%
Chun-Li 11,922 3.70%
Cammy 11,670 3.60%
Sakura 9,517 3.00%
Karin 9,148 2.90%
Juri 8,715 2.70%
Sagat 8,367 2.60%
Q 7,589 2.40%
Guile 7,533 2.40%
R. Mika 7,235 2.30%
Ibuki 7,182 2.20%
M. Bison (Dictator) 6,783 2.10%
Cody 6,661 2.10%
Zangief 6,523 2.00%
Poison 6,457 2.00%
Dudley 6,426 2.00%
Vega (Claw) 6,403 2.00%
Blanka 6,213 1.90%
Evil Ryu 6,205 1.90%
Makoto 6,162 1.90%
Alex 5,608 1.80%
Charlie 5,338 1.70%
Fei Long 4,765 1.50%
Guy 4,673 1.50%
Dan 4,567 1.40%
Urien 4,519 1.40%
Ingrid 4,500 1.40%
Elena 4,431 1.40%
Yun 4,269 1.30%
Gouken 3,892 1.20%
Juli 3,684 1.20%
Rose 3,578 1.10%
C. Viper 3,447 1.10%
Maki 3,367 1.10%
Dhalsim 3,339 1.00%
Rolento 3,328 1.00%
Oni 3,275 1.00%
Yang 3,109 1.00%
E. Honda 3,043 1.00%
Juni 2,998 0.90%
Sodom 2,774 0.90%
Remy 2,723 0.90%
Oro 2,587 0.80%
Hakan 2,578 0.80%
Adon 2,530 0.80%
Sean 2,524 0.80%
Balrog (Boxer) 2,422 0.80%
Abel 2,239 0.70%
Hugo 2,159 0.70%
Gen 1,999 0.60%
El Fuerte 1,980 0.60%
Dee Jay 1,933 0.60%
T. Hawk 1,759 0.50%
Eagle 1,722 0.50%
Geki 1,598 0.50%
Necro 1,571 0.50%
Seth 1,540 0.50%
Twelve 1,522 0.50%
Birdie 1,274 0.40%
Gill 1,192 0.40%
Rufus 1,100 0.30%
Retsu 835 0.30%
Joe 491 0.20%
Lee 484 0.20%
Mike 327 0.10%
E' tutta colpa dei giapponesi... vedi Japanese rankings, dove Mika è 5°:
Japanese rankings
Character Number of votes Voting percentage
Karin 3348 27.40%
Ryu 2,884 23.60%
Cammy 2,410 19.70%
Ingrid 2,393 19.60%
R. Mika 2,254 18.50%
Ho notato che in classifica c'e' veramente di tutto, inclusi personaggi che non sono mai stati giocabili (Lee, Retsu, Gen) e altri che non fanno parte della serie regolare (Maki, Ingrid). Vale tutto, insomma!