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Eurocom è giunta al capolinea - La casa inglese ha chiuso dopo 24 anni di carriera

Eurocom è giunta al capolinea - La casa inglese ha chiuso dopo 24 anni di carriera


  • Eurocom è giunta al capolinea - La casa inglese ha chiuso dopo 24 anni di carriera

    EurocomEssenzialmente noto per gli esordi su NES datati 1991 (Magician, James Bond Jr. e Lethal Weapon), per le conversioni da coin-op / altre console & computer e per i titoli su licenza, lo sviluppatore di Derby ha infine chiuso i battenti causa insormontabili difficoltà finanziarie, ponendo così termine ad un'attività più che ventennale.

    Di seguito l'elenco completo dei titoli firmati Eurocom:

    Anni 1990-1999

    Magician (NES - 1991)
    James Bond Jr. (NES, SNES - 1991)
    Lethal Weapon (NES, Game Boy - 1992)
    Rod Land (Game Boy - 1992)
    Tesserae (PC, Game Boy, Game Gear - 1993)
    Sensible Soccer (Game Gear - 1993)
    Stone Protectors (SNES - 1994)
    Dino Dini’s Soccer (SNES - 1994)
    Brutal: Paws of Fury (SNES - 1994)
    Disney’s The Jungle Book (Mega Drive/Genesis, NES, SNES - 1994)
    Family Feud (PC, 3DO, Mega Drive/Genesis - 1994)
    Super Dropzone (SNES - 1994)
    Earthworm Jim (Game Boy, Game Gear - 1995)
    Super Street Fighter II Turbo (PC - 1995)
    Spot Goes To Hollywood (Mega Drive/Genesis - 1995)
    Mortal Kombat 3 (PlayStation, Saturn - 1996)
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (PlayStation, Saturn - 1996)
    Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES - 1996)
    Cruis’n World (N64 - 1997)
    Disney’s Action Game Featuring Hercules (PlayStation, Windows - 1997)
    War Gods (N64, PlayStation - 1997)
    Duke Nukem 64 (N64 - 1997)
    Machine Hunter (PlayStation, PC - 1997)
    Mortal Kombat 4 (N64, PlayStation, PC - 1998)
    Disney’s Tarzan (PlayStation, PC, N64 - 1999)
    Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (N64 - 1999)
    NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (N64, PlayStation - 1999)
    Hydro Thunder (N64, Dreamcast, PC - 1999)
    Mortal Kombat Gold (Dreamcast - 1999)
    40 Winks (N64, PlayStation - 1999)
    The New Addams Family Electric Shock Machine (Arcade - 1999)

    Anni 2000-2009

    Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Game Boy Color - 2000)
    The World Is Not Enough (N64 - 2000)
    Crash Bash (PlayStation - 2000)
    NBA Hoopz (PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Dreamcast - 2001)
    Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Game Boy Color, PlayStation - 2001)
    Rugrats: I Gotta Go Party (Game Boy Advance - 2002)
    James Bond 007: Nightfire (Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox - 2002)
    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Nintendo GameCube, Xbox, Game Boy Advance - 2002)
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox - 2003)
    Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox - 2003)
    Athens 2004 (PlayStation 2 - 2004)
    Spyro: A Hero’s Tail (Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox - 2004)
    Robots (PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, PC - 2005)
    Predator: Concrete Jungle (PlayStation 2, Xbox - 2005)
    Batman Begins (Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox - 2005)
    Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC, Wii - 2006)
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Xbox360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PlayStation 2, PSP, PC - 2007)
    Beijing 2008 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC - 2008)
    The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (DS, PlayStation 2, Wii - 2008)
    Quantum of Solace (PlayStation 2 - 2008)
    Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PC - 2009)
    G-Force (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PC - 2009)
    Dead Space: Extraction (Wii - 2009)

    Anni 2010-2012

    Vancouver 2010 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC - 2010)
    GoldenEye 007 (Wii - 2010)
    Rio (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii - 2011)
    Disney Universe (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC - 2011)
    GoldenEye 007: Reloaded (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 - 2011)
    007 Legends (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PC - 2012)
    Harry Potter for Kinect (Xbox 360 - 2012)


    • Bert
      Bert ha commentato
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      Super Street Fighter II Turbo (PC - 1995)
      Bella conversione, soprattutto dopo il rilascio della patch v1.5. Ad ogni modo, R.I.P.

    • P.Min
      P.Min ha commentato
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      Originariamente inviato da Bert
      Bella conversione, soprattutto dopo il rilascio della patch v1.5. Ad ogni modo, R.I.P.
      io lo comprai all'uscita, la patch non sapevo dell'esistenza... cosa apportava?

    • AlextheLioNet
      AlextheLioNet ha commentato
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      Sul fronte Mega Drive / Super Nintendo e Nintendo 64 / PlayStation, citerei anche i validi Disney’s The Jungle Book, Spot Goes To Hollywood e Mortal Kombat 4.

    • Robbey
      Robbey ha commentato
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      La eurocom ha accompagnato la mia infanzia e ora che sparisce è come dire: ti togliamo l'aria :'(
      la colpa bisogna darla alla Activision che l'aveva tra le mani.....

    • Bert
      Bert ha commentato
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      Originariamente inviato da P.Min
      io lo comprai all'uscita, la patch non sapevo dell'esistenza... cosa apportava?
      beh... fixava e affinava un mare di cosette:

      Bug fixes and major changes

      1. Blocking Bug - Players were unable to block a fireball when getting up after
      a knock down, this has now also been fixed for the computer players.

      2. Using the super (Super Street Fighter II not Super Street Fighter II Turbo)
      version of FeiLong the Rising Dragon Kick was incorrect.

      3. Using the super version of Vega, the Barcelona Attack did not complete

      4. Using the super version of Zangief, the spinning pile driver was impossible
      to do.

      5. Feilong air catch caused the opponent to freeze.

      6. Holding down a button when doing a hold move, i.e. Kens leg kick, or
      Blanka's face bite, would speed up the move.

      7. Lose screen speedup has been modified.

      8. Computer players sit block has been fixed, this should prevent players from
      repeatedly slicing the opponents legs, see also 1.

      9. Chunlis's air throw was incorrect the opponent was thrown the wrong way,
      this has been fixed.

      10. Akumas hurrican kick/dragon punch have been changed.

      11. Dizzy counter is now reset at start of round.

      12. More of Akuma's sound effects have been added.

      13. Combo Score's have been improved, 1 hit Super Combo Finish now scores 10000 points,
      also combo finish scores are doubled.

      14. Zangief spinning pile driver timeout was disabled, this has been fixed.

      15. In Spain the fence only falls at the start of the first round.

      16. Hitting a jumping opponent with a standing normal attack will cause the
      jumping opponent to fall completely down, this has now been fixed the
      opponent will now fall part of the way before recovering and landing on
      their feet.

      17. Computer attacks do more damage than human players, the human players have
      been changed so that they do more damage, the computer players will still do
      more damage as the difficulty setting increases, and as the game progresses.
      The lower difficulty settings will therefore be easier. The arcade machine
      has 8 difficulty settings, the last eight difficulty settings in the PC
      version should correspond to these difficulty settings.

      18. Its possible for fireballs to go through sometimes, player 2's fireball
      collision was being disabled by player1's fireball this has now been fixed.

      19. After you knock down the computer, you can trip it forever until it dies.
      There was a problem with the trip animation, which is also used by RYU's
      juggling punch, this may also be tied in with 1 and 6.

      20. Combo's trigged by the computer are not supposed to be announced, this has
      now been fixed.

      21. RYU did his super move at the start of the 2nd round, the computer players
      were initiating the super move at the very end of the previous round, which
      causes this bug to occur, this may now be fixed.

      22. Two players picking same colour for Ryu will cause the game to crash, fixed.

      23. AKUMA teleport was being activated incorrectly, this has been changed
      Akuma's teleport move is now activated by pressing Fierce+Strong or
      Hard Kick+Medium Kick.

      24. Fixed DOS time speedup when the game is quit.

      25. Fixed slowdown on Gravis Midi Music.

      26. Fixed Chun Li sticking to characters in air catches.

      27. Fixed missing moves in Super Zangief.

      28. Fixed missing moves in Super T.Hawk.

      29. Added missing level sound effects.

      30. Fixed Super Blanka roll sound effect.

      31. Fixed Super DeeJay leg throw.

      32. Fixed Super Ken fireball sound effect.

      33. Fixed DeeJay's hyperfists.

      34. T Hawks blue shadow's during the super were turning off early
      this has been fixed.

      35. Super Ken roundhouse had an offset problem.

      36. Dizzy's sometimes don't have the 3 stars or birds e.t.c. this
      should now be fixed.

      37. End sequences which involve other characters, i.e. Ken, Feilong
      sometimes don't happen, this should now be fixed.

      38. Characters rapidly switching between crouch,block frames this may
      have been an effect of 1.

      39. CPU characters sometimes get stuck in a move, i.e. Blanka does
      his electricity until he is hit, the AI code has been re-checked
      and this should not now happen.

      40. There is a problem with the way the PC reads the keyboard, this
      seems to vary a lot between PC/keyboards. Keyboards can't respond
      to certain combinations of keys. For example on my keyboard if I
      hold down (W),(A) and (S) the keyboard dosn't register any key
      press on the same row as (W) and (A). All I can suggest is that
      you try redefining the keys as best suits your PC.

      41. Joysticks calibration is now saved in the configuration file, so that
      it should only need to be done once. Note some joysticks have trim settings
      which easily change and therefore you will need to re-calibrate the

      42. Added support for MT-32 ( its a sound chip ! ).

      43. The CD Music drivers have been modified which should fix a slow
      down problem, with some makes of CD rom drive.

      44. Fixed keyboard problems.

      45. Fixed Sony CD ROM drive lock up. Use SSF2T NOCDSTATUS if you have this

      46. Fixed GUS problems in the new setup program.

    • maxtex74
      maxtex74 ha commentato
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      Discreta software house ,che negli anni 90 ha dato il meglio di se nelle console a 16 bit ,poi solo conversioni e licenze ,ma nulla di trascendentale ...
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  • Taito Milestones 3
    Sul fatto che la Switch sia (e sempre sarà) una console straordinaria credo che siamo tutti d’accordo, ma è altresì vero che il simbolo odierno di Nintendo non è esente da alcuni difetti. Analizzando questo terzo episodio della serie di Taito Milestones,...
    23-01-2025, 11:42



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