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Total War: Rome II si mostra nel primo Gameplay Trailer
Pubblicato: 27-09-2012, 18:07
5 commenti
Total War: Rome II si mostra nel primo Gameplay Trailer
Sviluppato da The Creative Assembly, l'atteso sequel dell'apprezzatissimo strategico a tema storicoRome: Total Warsarà rilasciato sotto etichetta Sega nella seconda metà del 2013 (versione: PC).
Di seguito il primo Gameplay Trailer diTotal War: Rome II:
i total war sono tutti bellissimi ma rome è probabilmente il più amato,questo nuovo gioco richiamerà a raccolta tutti gli appassionati,io non dubito sul lavoro dei ragazzi di creative assembly però vorrei un maggior focus sulla moddabilità e una riduzione dei dlc!ben vengano le espansioni ma i pacchetti con le unità sono uno strazio
Fra l'altro il lead designer James Russell ha presentato Total War: Rome 2 all'Eurogamer Expo in modo davvero roboante:
"A video game, any video game, is an amazing thing."
"Games are arguably the most sophisticated and complex forms of software out there these days."
"Rome 2 has 3 million lines of code. 3 million! And if you stacked all of those up, Russell said, they'd be five times the height of Mount Everest."
"And that's just code, which can't do anything without assets."
"Characters in Empire: Total War were made up of 2000 polygons. Characters in Shogun 2 were between 4000 and 5000 polygons. But in Rome 2, the number of polygons per character has soared to between 6000 and 7000 polygons."
"Even artillery projectiles in Rome 2 have more polygons on them than soldiers in Rome 1"
"Yes I suppose there is a good amount of detail in this game, and that is pleasing."
"Soldiers in Rome 2 have 45 bones or moving parts, and there are 4000 animations planned for the game. In Shogun 2, actors were motion captured by 16 cameras. For Rome 2, however, Creative Assembly has use of a new motion capture facility - one of the best in Europe. This has 46 cameras, and can capture the movements of up to five actors at once."
"Rome 2 has 3000 movement sounds and 2000 impact sounds, apparently, and a word count of more than 500,000. Over 100 actors helped bring those words to life. And that's just for the English version of the game."
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"A video game, any video game, is an amazing thing."
"Games are arguably the most sophisticated and complex forms of software out there these days."
"Rome 2 has 3 million lines of code. 3 million! And if you stacked all of those up, Russell said, they'd be five times the height of Mount Everest."
"And that's just code, which can't do anything without assets."
"Characters in Empire: Total War were made up of 2000 polygons. Characters in Shogun 2 were between 4000 and 5000 polygons. But in Rome 2, the number of polygons per character has soared to between 6000 and 7000 polygons."
"Even artillery projectiles in Rome 2 have more polygons on them than soldiers in Rome 1"
"Yes I suppose there is a good amount of detail in this game, and that is pleasing."
"Soldiers in Rome 2 have 45 bones or moving parts, and there are 4000 animations planned for the game. In Shogun 2, actors were motion captured by 16 cameras. For Rome 2, however, Creative Assembly has use of a new motion capture facility - one of the best in Europe. This has 46 cameras, and can capture the movements of up to five actors at once."
"Rome 2 has 3000 movement sounds and 2000 impact sounds, apparently, and a word count of more than 500,000. Over 100 actors helped bring those words to life. And that's just for the English version of the game."
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