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A Valley Without Wind (PC) - Il nuovo indie action-platform 2D si mostra nel Launch Trailer

A Valley Without Wind (PC) - Il nuovo indie action-platform 2D si mostra nel Launch Trailer


  • A Valley Without Wind (PC) - Il nuovo indie action-platform 2D si mostra nel Launch Trailer

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ID: 259152A Valley Without Wind (LINK), nuovo action-platform bidimensionale per PC firmato dallo sviluppatore indipendente Arcen Games (LINK), si mostra nel relativo Launch Trailer:




    • PukkaNaraku
      PukkaNaraku ha commentato
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      Solitamente queste produzioni mi ispirano questo, sarà per il pessimo stile grafico, non mi dice proprio nulla...

    • Cthulhu
      Cthulhu ha commentato
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      Si, anche a me dice poco e niente.

    • AlextheLioNet
      AlextheLioNet ha commentato
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      In effetti lo stile grafico non convince e, visto le interessanti features ( ), è un peccato:

      "- Travel alone or with friends across an ever-expanding world of dangerous creatures, powerful magic, high technology, and mysteries.

      - You have choice. The world of Environ is procedurally generated, and lets you go anywhere you see -- including right into the overlord's keep at any time. (Good luck with that.)

      - Environ is endless. When you save one continent from an overlord, a larger and more complex continent appears.

      - The game adapts to how you play: as you demonstrate your proficiency, monsters upgrade accordingly. Killed 100 bats? Okay, time for... bats on fire!

      - Crazy amounts of character customization. Combine a multitude of spells, enchants, and equipment to create specialized character builds.

      - Play as a long line of brave adventurers. It's not a question of IF your character is going to die, but WHEN. Any character that dies is permanently lost, but you keep all your inventory, enchants, and general progress in the game.

      - Become a community leader. Rescue NPCs, have them join your settlement, and construct buildings for them -- they may return the favor and help you.

      - Be a clever problem-solver. Challenges have more than one solution, each with its own pros and cons. You get to figure things out rather than just jumping through a set of hoops.

      - Difficulty levels give exactly the challenge you want, from casual to hardcore on both platforming and combat independently.

    • maxtex74
      maxtex74 ha commentato
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      Scusate che gioco è? Ma cosa lanciano gli sprite? Ma che salti fanno? Mah una sorta di Shinobi tecnologico al microscopio ...che sprite piccoli.Penoso!
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  • Taito Milestones 3
    Sul fatto che la Switch sia (e sempre sarà) una console straordinaria credo che siamo tutti d’accordo, ma è altresì vero che il simbolo odierno di Nintendo non è esente da alcuni difetti. Analizzando questo terzo episodio della serie di Taito Milestones,...
    23-01-2025, 11:42



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