"Siamo nell’anno 281 474 976 712 644 D.C., e le prime persone perdute stanno cominciado a risvegliarsi in un universo sull’orlo della distruzione, con tutte le galassie remote perse per sempre, la formazione di nuove stelle finita ormai da tempo, e giganteschi buchi neri che dominano la galassia."
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"The Generator and the Computer
Each ship has a generator capable of producing a fixed wattage, and everything you connect to it drains wattage. A cloaking field, for example, might require almost all the power from the generator, forcing you to turn off all computers and dim all lights in order to successfully cloak.
The computer in the game is a fully functioning emulated 16 bit CPU that can be used to control your entire ship, or just to play games on while waiting for a large mining operation to finish.
Full specifications of the CPU will be released shortly, so the more programatically advanced of you can get a head start."