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Rumor: Dark Souls potrebbe essere convertito su PC - Aperta petizione online
Pubblicato: 06-01-2012, 20:41
6 commenti
Rumor: Dark Souls potrebbe essere convertito su PC - Aperta petizione online
Sembra che la nota holding nipponica sia "possibilista" riguardo adun'ipotetica conversione su PCdiDark Souls, action-RPGsviluppato da From Softwaree disponibile dal 7 Ottobre su XBox 360 e PlayStation 3. Questo "spiraglio", prevedibilmente orfano di una conferma ufficiale, sarebbe motivato da una risposta quasi accondiscendente da parte dell'amministratore del forum ufficiale Namco Bandai (LINK). Ovviamente uno dei presupposti per tale ipotetica trasposizione sarebbe una forte richiesta da parte dei fan... per cui uno di questi ultimiha aperto una petizione online ad hoc (LINK).
penso che ci vogliano altri tipi di incentivi, oltre la petizione dei fans, per fare una conversione del genere.
Comunque, la speranza è l'ultima a morire.
"There is always possibilities to have games adapted on PC and the good news is that Dark Souls is not a 100% typical Console game so the adaptation is possible.
Now to make things happen, let's say the demand has to be properly done. someone to make a successful petition?
You are right about petition in a way: when the number of people who actually sign it is low, this turn as a joke. But when it starts to involve thousand(s) people, then it's another story.
Also, petition are not the only way to make a rightful request heard: facebook, youtube comments, twitter are great tools to just do that.
Honestly, I think this is an interesting request and that it deserves to be pushed.
Namco have no position for now on this topic: PC versions are considered for many games but as PC is rarely the lead platform for the games released by the company, making PC version very often depends on signs that could come from users or from market globally."
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Comunque, la speranza è l'ultima a morire.
"There is always possibilities to have games adapted on PC and the good news is that Dark Souls is not a 100% typical Console game so the adaptation is possible.
Now to make things happen, let's say the demand has to be properly done. someone to make a successful petition?
You are right about petition in a way: when the number of people who actually sign it is low, this turn as a joke. But when it starts to involve thousand(s) people, then it's another story.
Also, petition are not the only way to make a rightful request heard: facebook, youtube comments, twitter are great tools to just do that.
Honestly, I think this is an interesting request and that it deserves to be pushed.
Namco have no position for now on this topic: PC versions are considered for many games but as PC is rarely the lead platform for the games released by the company, making PC version very often depends on signs that could come from users or from market globally."
Forums Namco Bandai Games Europe - View Single Post - Is there a possibility of a PC version? It would be a huge success for Namco and FromSoftware
Dark Souls for PC - Petition Bureau