Come ogni anno, il CESA, l'organizzatore del TGS, ha assegnato diversi premi ai titoli piů "meritevoli" mostrati nel corso della manifestazione:
Grand Prize
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP / Capcom)
Excellence Awards
Wii Party (Wii / Nintendo)
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki (PSP / Falcom)
Catherine (Xbox 360 & PS3 / Index Digital Media)
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3 / Sony Computer Entertainment)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii / Nintendo)
Xenoblade (Wii / Nintendo)
Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii / Nintendo)
Ni no Kuni: The Jet Black Sorcerer (DS / Level-5)
Pokémon: Black and White (DS / The Pokémon Company)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP / Konami)
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP / Capcom)
Special Award
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360 & PS3 / Rockstar Games)
Best Seller Award
Pokémon: Black and White (DS / The Pokémon Company)
Global Award for a Japanese Product
Pokémon: HeartGold and SoulSilver (DS / The Pokémon Company)
Global Award for an Overseas Product
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Xbox 360, PS3 & PC / Activision)
Future awards
Asura’s Wrath (Xbox 360 & PS3 / Capcom)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Blue (PSP / Falcom)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. (PS3 / Namco Bandai)
Dragon’s Dogma (Xbox 360 & PS3 / Capcom)
Binary Domain (Xbox 360 & PS3 / Sega)
Battlefield 3 (Xbox 360, PS3 & PC / Electronic Arts)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Xbox 360 & PS3 / Square Enix)
Final Fantasy Type-0 (PSP / Square Enix)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC / Sega)
Monster Hunter 3G (3DS / Capcom)
Dragon Collection (Mobile phones / Konami)