Il suddetto Duke fan, infatti, ha conservando lo scontrino (datato 2001) come prova dell'acquisto mantenendo così i diritti sul suo decennale preordine.
Gearbox Software, dunque, ha premiato la sua incrollabile fedeltà nei confronti del Duca con un ricchissimo pacco recapitatogli direttamente a casa:
- Duke Nukem Forever PC Balls of Steel Edition #10, Signed by the Development Team
- Duke Nukem Headshot, Signed by the Development Team
- Logitech G19 Keyboard with GamePanel LCD Screen (Supported by Duke Nukem Forever PC)
- Duke Nukem Forever Titty City Pint Glass
- Duke Nukem Forever Titty City Shot Glass
- Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club Shot Glass
- Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club Mouse Pad
- Duke Nukem Forever Belt Buckle
- Duke Nukem Forever “Steroids”
- Duke Nukem Forever Mini-Lithographs
- Duke Nukem Forever gamerART Aluminum Mouse Pad
- Duke Nukem Forever Hoody
- Duke Burger T-Shirt
- Hail to the King! T-Shirt
- Come Get Some T-Shirt
- Gearbox Swag Bag